Twisted Potions: DT, dev log II: Twisted Tilemaps!

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dacamara's avatar
It's been less than a week since the last dev log but i felt like doing an update post since there have been some interesting internal updates.

Unity  - TMX importer

Unlike the sprite animation library (ragepixel) there aren't any libraries that allow you to import tile based maps that work efficiently, so i had to make one from scratch.

Instead of building my own system which would require an editor, i decided to use the Tiled Map editor TMX format and build a simple importer for unity.

Don't expect a lot of features from it. As it requires to be saved in TMX-csv format, and loads only one tilesheet per file. (I wont change this since most probably i wont need more than that, and in any case if you want to use multiple tilesheets you can export it easily in 2 files).

Finally, the current version doesn't create colliders (which are in my roadmap, so probably by the next update they will work), and it needs a small rewrite and documentation on some parts (which are ugly).

I'll probably make the library standalone, with it's own repo yada yada pretty soon but if you want to use the library in your own project today just copy TileMapper directory, put the "Empty Tilemap" on your scene.

Control and Camera improvements
Better management of the multitouch events, pixel perfect autorescaling camera according screen resolution.

Code refactor
I've done a major refactor on the game classes, making them more clear, although things like the character state machine need some changes.

Hurray! We got action buttons


- Implement collisions.
- Build the first level.

You can download the latest binaries from here

Mac: [Link]
Windows: [Link]
Android: [Link]
Source: <[Link]

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eivven's avatar
tiene muy buena pinta aunque no llego a enterderlo todo :iconlazycryplz:
La interficie me gusta bastante y a mi parecer la colocación de los botones es buena, por lo menos en mi movil seria bastante comoda ^^
tengo ganas de ver como evoluciona :iconheplz: